On September 25th, Polkadot community Eric Holst disclosed Polkadot's spending on Token2049 in Singapore, totaling $387,772. This includes $199,500 for sponsorship, $100,000 for booth, $25,000 for demand generation events, $20,000 for travel, $10,000 for merchandise, $5,000 for photography and videography, and other miscellaneous expenses. The funding came from Events Bounty and OpenGov Treasury, which was voted on by the DAO community.
9月25日消息,Polkadot社区Eric Holst披露了Polkadot在新加坡Token2049的支出,总计387,772美元。其中赞助费用为199,500美元,展位费用为100,000美元,需求生成活动费用为25,000美元,差旅费用为20,000美元,商品费用为10,000美元,摄影与摄像费用为5,000美元,以及其他杂项费用。这些资金来自于 Events Bounty和OpenGov Treasury,该提案由DAO社区投票通过。